BOOK REVIEW: Jerry Keesee
Revolution: Get Out of Our House by Tim Cox
This book takes some real tenacity to wade through explanations of how the book came about. The further you go, the more the GOOOH plan is revealed and explained. The plan has a lot of areas about which you might have concerns regarding its ability “to be pulled off.”
The author gives a complete (nearly) series of issues that point out America’s problems concerning government size, unbridled spending and lack of listening to the people versus various “special” groups and the politicians themselves.
Cox’s Candidate Questionnaire lists 175 questions for politicians to answer concerning their problems. You might find, as I did, that you have other areas of concern about the government and its performance that are not addressed or barely mentioned among the vast list of government failures or poor performance. He outlines a plan that would replace all 435 members of the House of Representatives. This plan is full of components that I question; how realistic and practicable are many of them?
However, I found the book a worthwhile read and certainly recommend it for a basic review of where America is today, how we got here and a plan forward.
Afterthought: I found it ironic that the book was written and published in 2008 and this had to be before the Tea Party movement began. It seems they fit together in many ways, but not all, while appearing not to be influenced by each other.
Thanks, Jerry. I have picked it up and I'll first look at his 175-item for politicians. I cannot imagine a candidate for office giving an exhaustive reply to a questionnaire that long.